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电话: 15958023588
姓名: Jessie
zhejiang xinlan
X25007壁纸 价格:10元
X25007壁纸 价格:10元

  We are specializing in line of *域名隐藏* are one of the biggest manufacturers in *域名隐藏* main products are fabric wallpaper ,pvc wallpaper,non-woven wallpaper,vinly wallpaper,metallic wallpaper,natural wallpaper and so *域名隐藏* can see the details in our Our products are sold to India,Braizl,Canada,Iran and so *域名隐藏* we will build good relationship with you.

主要产品/业务: wallpaper,wallcovering,wall decor,home decor

zhejiang xinlan / 浙江 / 杭州 (31000) / 电话:15958023588

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